Wednesday 14 January
Opening Luncheon
13.15- 14.45
Delegates Dining Room – Invitation Only
The luncheon will encourage an informal, candid Chatham House Rule discussion about challenges and opportunities in engaging men in gender equality discussions at the UN and beyond. The participants will be Permanent Representatives and high-level participants from the United Nations system.
Mr. Michael Kimmel, noted scholar on men and masculinities and distinguished Professor of Sociology at Stony Brook University in New York, will lead the discussion with a few brief presentations of concepts and key questions to the participants. Based on issues raised, moderated discussions will take place at each table.
Working Session
15.00- 18:00
Conference-Room 4, GA building
The session will focus on a discussion among men at the United Nations about what makes a man, and how men can engage for gender equality and ending violence against women. The participants will be Permanent Representatives, Deputy Permanent Representatives and experts from the Permanent missions to the United Nations, as well as participants from the United Nations system. The working session will encourage a men to men discussion.
Mr. Todd Minerson, is the Executive Director of the White Ribbon Campaign and a member of the Secretary-General's Network of Male Leaders to End Violence Against Women. White Ribbon is the world's largest effort of men and boys to end men's violence against women with a presence in over 60 countries around the world. Mr. Minerson will lead the session with an engaging and interactive discussion on what makes a man. The participants will then break up into small group discussions among themselves around what it means to be a man and ways for men to be more involved in gender equality and ending violence against women.
High Level Event
11.00- 13.00
ECOSOC Chamber-CB Building
This event will bring together prominent leaders from different fields to speak about their own experience and commitment to gender equality and engaging men and boys. Further information on the programme will be announced closer to the event.
The meeting will be open to all with UN passes.
13.30- 14.30
Press Conference
Following the conclusion of the Barbershop key high-level participants will be made available to the media for questions related to the Barbershop and how to engage men and boys for gender equality.