Since the adoption of Security Council Resolution 1325 in 2000, the Security Council has met every year to debate on Women, Peace and Security, usually in October (the anniversary month). The open debates are informed by Secretary-General's annual report on Women Peace and Security. During the debate the Council hears statements from briefers, Security Council members and other Member States. Frequently, the annual debate results in an outcome document, most recently Resolution 2493 (2019).
The briefers usually include the Secretary-General, the Executive Director of UN Women, representatives of other UN agencies, and most importantly a civil society representative selected by the the NGO Working Group on Women, Peace and Security, a coalition to which WILPF belongs. The Civil Society statement is developed by the advocate, WILPF, other coalition members, and the NGOWG office. The civil society speakers have included advocates from different conflict situations.
Prior to the Open Debates, the Secretary-General submits a report with analysis, updates and recommendations. The Security Council can choose to take action on these recommendations by adopting a resolution, a presidential statement or a press release. The meetings of the Security Council have resulted in ten Women, Peace and Security resolutions.