WILPF’s main goal is to advance feminist peace for equality, justice and demilitarised security. Advancing feminist peace requires both acting differently and thinking differently about peace, security, economic and social justice and environmental sustainability.
Thinking differently requires challenging the status quo. WILPF does this by addressing the root causes of violence with a feminist lens. WILPF focuses on integrating a gender analysis of power and questioning systems and practices that deepen traditional gendered roles facilitating conflict and militarised security. This means challenging and analysing the causes and consequences of patriarchy, militarisation, and neoliberalism as the dominant order and providing feminist alternatives for peace.
WILPF’s focus is on the following outcomes:
supporting the transformation of gendered power;
stigmatising war and violence; and
promoting a feminist political economy.
Acting differently requires taking power back to influence decision making and rejecting the implicit consent that governments and non-state actors have assumed about militarism, war, and violence. It means mobilising for nonviolent action.
WILPF’s focus is the following outcomes:
strengthening movement building and the WILPF Community;
amplifying local and regional change; and
improving multilateral actions.
By addressing the root causes of violence with a feminist lens, and mobilising for nonviolent action from local to global levels, we build action and momentum towards feminist peace.
To read more about WILPF's work, access our annual report at: https://wilpf.org/annual-reports/