CONFERENCE/MEETING: Women's Power to Stop War Webinar Series, Episode Two

Women's Power to Stop War
Tuesday, February 18, 2014 - 19:00
PeaceWomen Consolidated Themes: 
General Women, Peace and Security
Initiative Type: 
Conferences & Meetings


Episode 2: Disarmament in Africa, A Feminist Perspective

When? February 19th, 20:00 Geneva Time (CET)

Where? Online!

This Series of regular Webinars is hosted by our WILPF Academic Network and will be featuring every two months in the lead-up to April 2015.

These Webinars are open for everybody, no prior knowledge or experience necessary! They feature any issue concerning peace and security from a gender perspective, including disarmament, human rights and the women, peace and security agenda.

If you are unsure how to join a Webinar, just click here for a step-by-step explanation.

Upcoming Webinars

The next Webinar will take place on February 19th, at 20:00 Geneva time and will be hosted by our very own Joy Ada Onyesoh, so mark your calendars!

The second episode in this series tackles the topic of Disarmament in Africa from a Gender Perspective, particularly in Nigeria. Joy will discuss issues of Human Security in the context of the Women, Peace and Security Agenda, including the topic of food security in Africa.

Joy is the President of WILPF Nigeria and the Executive Director of the ‘Women for Skill Acquisition, Development and Leadership Organisation'. She is currently affiliated at the Institute of Development Studies University of Nigeria and California Institute of Integral Studies, USA.

Register Here Now for this Webinar. You will be asked for your name and email address so you can register for the Webinar. After registration you will be sent an email with the information on how to join the Webinar at the time of the live session.

Please see the link above if you are unsure about how to join a Webinar, or email us at for any further questions or comments.

Document PDF: 

WSW Webinar Series Episode 2