WILPF works through our sections worldwide as well as through our international programming in New York and Geneva to end war and promote peace and freedom for all. This month, we feature the work of WILPF-Palestine.
WILPF-Palestine engages in ongoing efforts to strengthen women's capacity for peace. Recent events include a “training of trainers” on gender issues which WILPF-Palestine's Nariman Al Far participated in on 21st November, and was organized by ESCWA in Amman, Jordan. The section also organized a training for released women political prisoners on 25th November that trained women in media techniques to effectively communicate about violations of their human rights in the media and international justice instruments such as the International Criminal Court. The training also taught them about UNSC 1325 as a tool to strengthen women's political representation and promote women's participation in peace negotiations and in peacekeeping.
These events build on earlier work by WILPF-Palestine this year. For example, in August, the section held a workshop about the role of media and women organizations in preventing honor killings with police, religious representatives, and women and human rights activists. They have also organized media events focused on combating violence.