In 2009, women from different ethnic, political, social and religious backgrounds, sexual orientations and identities came together in order to reinforce women's demands for peace in Turkey and the Middle East, and to struggle against warmongering policies. They thus formed the Women for Peace Initiative.
The activities of the Initiative may be summarized as follows: We focus on working against racism, discrimination and war, as well as spreading the demand for peace across different parts of the society. We try to ensure women's equal participation both as observers and as active parties in peace talks/negotiation processes being carried out in order to resolve conflicts. We pressures those in power to put into effect international agreements, methods, tools and procedures that would enable and support the equal participation and representation of women and other marginalized populations in said processes.
The Women for Peace Initiative also carries out activities regarding the negotiation process that began between the State of Turkey and the PKK (Kurdistan Workers' Party) in January 2013. The Initiative produced and published a report based on the contacts and observations it made throughout the year 2013, with both the parties of the war, and with those who have been affected by this war in different ways, as well as the sections of society that have been victimized. Attached you may find the English and Kurdish versions of the "Report on the Process of Resolution" prepared by the Women for Peace Initiative.